Kenya Team 2019

Preparing for Kenya

Kenya 2019 Team pic reduced

We are in the process of preparation for our Kenya trip. Thank you for checking in to support us in prayer. Without your intercession before God on our behalf to empower, protect, guide and and work through us, we cannot hope to accomplish anything that really matters. But as you lift us up in prayer we are confident God will do mighty things.

Here are our most pressing prayer items at this time:

  • As Lois, Shad and Fitz work with Charlotte to finalize our itinerary in Kenya, that they would have wisdom and a clear sense of what is good and better and best for our two weeks there.
  • As Michelle Meyer and those helping her finish up prepping and packing VBS materials, that God would give endurance and wisdom so that we have everything needed to carry out our ministry to kids.
  • As Pastor Chris prepares for 10 days of leadership training that he work in tune with the Holy Spirit decerning which passages to spend the most time in and what topics to emphasize the most.
  • As Janet prepares her sessions for the pastor's wives that she would sense the Lord's direction on which topics to emphasize and how best to order the materiel she shares.
  • As each team member prepares everything from bible lessons, to testimonies, to sermons that God would instruct them and stregnthen them for the ministry ahead.
  • That the Lord would provide all of the finances necessary for the trip to be carried out.
  • That God would begin preparing heart each person our team will encounter to receive or be stregnthend in the gospel.

If you would like to be made aware of prayer requests 'real time' while we are away, be sure to check in here at the blog.

If you would like to give towards our Kenya trip you may:

- scroll down to the green “give now” button
- select ‘Kenya2019’ from drop down menu 
- fill in your info, press the blue submit button and you are done : )
Thank you for being a part of this effort to reach farther in Kenya.

Join us Sunday at 
