Kenya Team 2019

VBS Grows, Ministry in Churches


kenya day 5 pic 9Days 2 and 3 of our first week of VBS are now complete! The Lord has supplied us with all we needed - we even received some rain. We are amazed at how He has worked in the hearts of the children, and in our own hearts in such a short time. Our theme on Wednesday was “building your house on the Rock”.. Janet, Charlotte, Olivia, and Alyssa taught the children the song, “The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock” with hand motions. The kids loved joining together in song. Seeing their smiling faces while praising God was precious. We were amazed at how many children attended, over 160! 

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Wednesday’s schedule ran similarly to Tuesday’s. They listened to the Bible story, played soccer and parachute games on the grass, learned memory verses by heart, and made a craft of their own house on the rock. After VBS, we made the drive to Ebenezer Church for a prayer meeting. These weekly gatherings are dedicated to: the worship of God through song, listening  to His word, and lifting up prayers together. Dave was invited to preach at this event.. He spoke on Acts 20, about Paul exhorting the Ephesian elders. Members of the church were grateful this time spent together, sharing that it encouraged them.

Today, our VBS lesson focused on Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee. Many children who attended the day prior brought their siblings and friends along! Janet taught them about the disciples’ unbelief and fear, and Jesus’ ultimate example courage: stepping out in a storm to calm the waves. After this session, VBS week 1 came to a close. We are encouraged, and exhausted, because of the energy the children brought. Would you pray with us for  those who heard the Gospel for the first time? That they would continue to seek , a closer walk with Jesus by attending a local gospel church. Pray that they will remember the truth they learned and the fellowship they shared.

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Pastor Chris concluded his time with the board today. They focused on Paul’s call in Ephesians 4 to be "diligent to preserve” the unity we've received in Christ, noting that we do not “create” unity because Jesus accomplished this in His work of salvation. The question arises, "How do we do that?" They talked through practical ways to carry out this command.

After VBS concluded, we headed to Bethel Church to join another mid week prayer gathering. We arrived to the joyful noise of church members worshipping together. They graciously welcomed us into their fellowship, as their pastor introduced himself and welcomed us. Their pastor is also named Chris, which made everyone in the church laugh. Alyssa and Chris SingChris and Alyssa shared songs with the group, and then our entire team sang “How Great is Our God”. What a special, sweet time of worshiping together! After we finished singing, Dave got up to preach. He gave thanks for how beautiful everyone sounded together, and commented on how remarkable it is that God needs no translator, because we are one in Him. He went on to preach on the power that is in the name of the Lord, and touched on Psalm 23. This message was loved by everyone who heard it, and we parted with full hearts. 

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Please continue to pray for the following:

  • Praise God for the successful first round of VBS and for the physical strength from him we needed to make it happen.
  • For the children who came to VBS, that they will remember what they learned, and will continue to grow in their faith. And, for those of them who had not yet heard the Gospel, that they will be saved.
  • For the anniversary celebration on Sunday would honor the Lord and commemorate Lois’ 30 years of faithful ministry.That our team would be   helpful in preparations. .
  • For our ongoing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual strength as a team and as individuals.
  • For next week's VBS with a new set of kids in a new location. That God would prepare the children’s hearts. That God would give us wisdom as we prepare.
  • For Pastor Chris’ class with the pastors next week. That they would be helped and encouraged through next week. That Pastor Chris would be in tune with the Lord as he fine tunes the materials to be shared.






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