Reaching Farther

Helps to Grow in Understanding "The Bible and Sexuality"

As many of you know we are just finishing up our summer series on “The Bible and Sexuality”. One of the questions that came up repeatedly was, “What can I read in order to gain a better understanding of God’s perspective on this issue?” Aside from the sections of Scripture we covered in the series, the following list might be helpful as you get started:

  • Tim Keller and his wife Kathy have written a superb book on marriage entitled “The Meaning of Marriage”. It includes an entire chapter on sex within marriage.
  • When we covered the topic of homosexuality I referred to a blog entry by Trevin Wax, "How I Wish the Homosexuality Debate Would Go". Here is the entry in full. I believe this is a good example of how to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) as we reach out to those who have either embraced or endorse the homosexual lifestyle.
  • Luke Gilkerson wrote a blog entry at the Biblical Counseling Coalition website entitled “4 Reasons Men Like Porn”. It concludes with some excellent accountability questions along with summaries of how each question is helpful and what it aims to uncover.

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