
A Blind Beggar | Mark 10:46-52

April 26, 2015 Speaker: Chris Oliveri Series: The Gospel of Mark: Jesus, The Suffering and Conquering King

Topic: What Do You Really Want? Passage: Mark 10:46–10:52

There is a profound difference between the blind man, Bartimaeus and the sons of Zebedee in response to Jesus' question, "What do you want me to do for you?" (Mark 10:36,51). James and John were asking Jesus to bless their ambitions for prominence and power (Mark 10:37). Bartimaeus simply asked Jesus to give him sight.

Jesus asks each of us the same question today, "What do you want me to do for you?" How will you respond? Are you seeking Him so that He will bless your ambitions? Or do you recognize that you are blind and what you really need from Him is sight? Here are some contrasts between those who are asking Jesus to bless thier ambitions and those who want to see.

 Bless my ambitions  I want to see
 Ask God to fulfill my agenda (Mark 10:35)  Cry out to God for mercy (Mark 10:47)
 Self-confidence (Mark 10:39) Christ-confidence (Mark 10:48)
 Jealousy and bitterness when outpaced by others (Mark 10:41)  Fulfillment and joy from running to Jesus (Mark 10:50)
 Complex schemes (Mark 10:37, cf. Matt. 20:20)  Simple faith (Mark 10:50-53)
 Correction from Jesus (Mark 10:42-45)  Fulfillment from Jesus (Mark 10:52)
 Self-focus leads to bitterness, cynicism and emptiness. (Acts 8:23)  Christ-focus leads to love, joy and peace. (Gal. 5:22-23)


More in The Gospel of Mark: Jesus, The Suffering and Conquering King

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Highlights of the Gospel of Mark | Mark 1 -16

March 27, 2016

Alive! | Mark 16:1-8

March 13, 2016

The Betrayal | Mark 14:43-65

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