The Holiness of God
This past Sunday as a part of our series "Oh the Depths of the Wisdom of God", we explored the holiness of God together. I promised you that I would post this selection of Bible verses on our blog, because I was moving through them too quickly for those who were jotting down notes. Here are those verses along with their headings. May the Lord put all of us in a state of increasing awe because of His holy, holy, holy nature (Isaiah 6:3).
God’s holiness is:
Incomparable Ex. 15:11, 1Sam. 2:2
Demonstrated in His: a. Character - Psa. 22:3, John 17:11 b. Name - Is. 57:15, Luke 1:49 c. Words - Psa. 60:6, Jer. 23:9 d. Works - Psa. 77:12-20 e. Kingdom - Psa. 47:8, Ex. 19:6, 1Pet. 2:9
A guarantee for the fulfillment of: a. His promises - Psa. 89:35 b. His judgments - Amos 4:2
To be imitated by believers - Lev. 11:44, 1Pet. 1:15
A motivation for gratitude - Psa. 30:4
An inspiration for reverential fear - Rev. 15:4 7
Adored by heavenly host - Is. 6:3, Rev. 4:8
A cause for overwhelming praise - 1Chr. 16:10, Psa. 48:1, Psa. 99:3-5
For a fantastic treatment of this vitally important topic be sure to pick up a copy of The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul. You will not regret the time spent learning more about who God is in this enjoyable book.
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