J.A.N.E. Saturday Breakfast Series #2

February 3, 2018

9:00am – 11:30am

Category: Women's Ministry | Coordinator: Janet Oliveri

==>UPDATE: A photo of the Heart Wall Quilt the ladies made at the breakfast, a list of Transitions and our Wrong and Right Heart Responses as well as links to the message handouts and PowerPoint slides have been added below.

Ladies, you won’t want to miss Saturday morning, February 3rd, from 9:00-11:30am, as we continue our 'Transitions' themed J.A.N.E.Breakfast Series with our 2nd talk featuring speaker, Laura Francis.

The morning will start with a delicious breakfast including a Waffle Bar (and table full of toppings), Egg Casserole (gluten-free), fresh fruit, yogurt and hard-boiled eggs plus a gluten-free waffle option (oh, and of course…coffee!). There will also be Orange Juice and Tea to drink.

ALSO === If you attended Breakfast #1 back in September, please bring along the folder you received. (If you can’t find it or forget to bring it, that’s still okay…there will be extras available.) However, if you bring your folder, there will be a prize!! :) The goal is that we each would be able to organize the materials from all of these wonderful “Transitions” breakfasts in one place for future reference.

Our special speaker for the morning will be Laura Francis continuing with the theme of Transitions speaking on Transitioning Through Trials while Honoring God in our Hearts.

Come for the food, enjoy the fellowship, and leave ready to more heartily invest in the most important aspects of your current life.  Cost: $8

Laura Francis cropped.JPG

By the grace of God Laura has a testimony of a life full of transitions which is common to all, but unique to God in how he has brought her through and drawn her closer to Him. Laura began with an awareness of God being raised Catholic, but came to know Jesus as her Lord and Savior when she was 12. She is grateful for all of those who contributed to her discipleship at CVC after having been a member for many years. She and her husband Josh have been married for 18 years, and parents of a son born in their hearts and adopted at birth. Currently God has called her to serve in public school as an elementary school principal.  Laura has held onto the truth of Psalm 37:4, and strives to delight herself in the Lord by being a student of the Bible.

Click for the message handouts and PowerPoint slides.wall quilt

Transition Examples

  1. Milestones: graduation, driver’s license, marriage
  2. Death / Birth
  3. Sin Addictions
  4. Job / Role
  5. Health / Disability
  6. Move
  7. Friendship
  8. Serving at Church
  9. Money in/out
  10. Family Members Challenges & Changes
  11. Political Events
  12. Children
  13. Age
  14. Someone close to you goes through the transitions above

Wrong Heart Response Examples

Anger – This is wrong and not fair; God must have made a mistake. I am not going to let this go.

Denial – This can’t be happening. God doesn’t love me if He is going to do this to me.

Depression – I can’t handle this, it is too much to deal with and take care of myself, job, family, etc.

Revenge /Malice – I will get back at her if it is the last thing that I do.

Bitterness – I hate so and so, it is their fault that I had this awful thing happen.

Wrath – I was so angry I threw the dish at the wall.

Selfishness – I don’t care what anyone thinks. I am dealing with a lot, I deserve this, I need some me time right now.

Envy – Why can’t God have given me that job, child, spouse, house, family, role or position, then I would have been happy.

Jealousy – He doesn’t deserve that honor, I do. I’ve worked hard and no one appreciates me.

Slander – If it weren’t for that no good, dirty rotten…

Right Heart Response Examples

* I will trust that God knows what he is doing, and not lean on my own understanding.  I will not get in the way of Him making my paths straight. – Prov 3:5-6

* God will give me rest, I can learn from this.  His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. - Matt 11:28-30

* “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” - Phil 4:13

* God helps us in our weakness, and prays for us, He will use this for his good purpose - Rom 8:26-30

* I will rejoice that God is allowing me to go through this; he is working on perfecting me - Ja 1:2

* God began a good work in me and He will complete it. - Phil 1:6

* I will be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving, because God asks me to and what is happening to me is nothing compared to what Christ suffered for me. - Eph 4:32

* Just like God’s grace was sufficient for Paul’s thorn in the flesh, His grace is sufficient for me now. - 2 Cor 12:9

* I will put off my old man and put on the new man, through God’s grace and help. - Col 3

* I am going to serve in this way and put others first.  Life isn’t all about me. – Phil 2:1-10


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