Core Training

Spiritual growth is critical to the Christian life. We grow by spending time alone in God’s Word (Psalm 119:105; 1Pet. 2:2). We grow by communing with the Lord in prayer (1Thess. 5:17). We grow by keeping the Lord’s Day with the people of God (Ex. 20:8; Rev. 1:10). Another valuable means God has given us to grow is interacting with other believers, talking about God and the things of God (Prov. 27:17; Heb. 10:24-25).

Here is the question, “Do you want to grow?” For each of us as Christians, growth is not an option. It is expected by our King (John 15:1-5). Take advantage of this opportunity to get more involved in the lives of others in our church family. By joining one of our Core Training groups, you will have the opportunity to build relationships, talk about the truths you are learning, ask questions and interact with others who are growing with you.

We gather in person from 9:00 am until 10:15 am on the church campus. These Bible studies focus on a particular topic of interest and are open to anyone who wants to grow in that area. Potential Core Training topics include: How People Change, Parenting, Anger and Conflict Resolution, Foundations, Evangelism, Trusting God, Wisdom with Money, Prayer, What the Bible Says about Marriage, and many others.


The following classes are currently meeting:

Gospel in Life

Gospel of Mark

Parables: The mysteries of God's Kingdom revealed through the stories Jesus told

(updated Sept 28th 2024)



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