Men's Ministries

Whether you are single, married, a young man or a senior, all of us need to grow in Christ. Who is helping you take your next step in becoming a godly man? No matter what season of life you are in, you will find strength and encouragement to grow through the Men's Ministries of Clayton Valley Church. We are here to help men continue in growing deeper, walking closer and reaching farther.

Our world is in desperate need for men who are bold and intentional, courageous and compassionate. If you are a husband or a father there are a couple of questions you would do well to ask.  Do you see how much your family craves loving leadership that flows from a Christ-like heart? What are you going to do about it? (Ephesians 5:25-33; 1 Peter 3:7) A start could be getting involved in one of these groups today. 


The Morning Watch morning watch rev 2018 header

Proverbs 27:17 says "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." The men of CVC invite you to join us as we meet each Tuesday morning, at 6:00 a.m. During this time we enjoy the Word of God together, talk about life and pray. We call this gathering, "The Morning Watch." Pastor Chris or one of our other talented coffee roasters makes the coffee. You just bring your Bible and a desire to grow closer to the Lord and one another.


The Evening Watch 

"The Evening Watch" meets every other Tuesday night at 7:00 PM in the Percolator Room. It follows the same format for the gathering of prayer, reading and discussing Scripture as "The Morning Watch." The only imporant difference is please check the church calendar on the website to confirm gathering dates, as this study alternates with the Tuesday evening women's study - that and the coffee is typically decaf. No registration is required, join at any time.

Men's Events

From time to time our men gather together for various activities and fellowship. Sometimes we get together to eat breakfast with a guest speaker, at other times we go trap shooting, the very best of times are when we get the chance to do both. Check out the Events page on our website for the next scheduled event.


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