Women's Fellowship

Fellowship is a key part of the christian life. J.A.N.E. is committed to bringing ladies together to encourage one another, teach one another, and celebrate the Lord's amazing work in our lives.

Our Next Event: Casual Women's Gathering (Ages 18+) on Nov. 11, 2023

see Barbara Hasey for details.

For more information about Women's Ministries click on our Events page.




Getting to Know You: Catered Breakfast and Titus 2 Fellowship

On September 11 2021 we gathered for a catered breakfast held outside under awnings in the CVC parking lot. We had a time of Titus 2 fellowship after eating, utilizing a speed chatting model.


Mugs & Muffins - Feb.22nd 2020

We gathered for the “Mugs & Muffins” event on Saturday, February 22nd in the CVC Fellowship Hall. This was a “sweet” time of casual fellowship to connect and share.


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Spring Wreath Event - March 28th 10am-Noon - COVID-19 Cancelation

We anticipated gathering on Saturday March 28th 2020 for fellowship and fun while making a new spring wreath as we celebrated the season of Christ's Resurrection. Sadly due to COVID-19 this event was cancelled. We look forward to circling back to this event sometime soon!


Tea Announcement

Pearls of Wisdom J.A.N.E. Ladies' Tea

Our ladies enjoyed an amazing Pearls of Wisdom J.A.N.E. Ladies' Tea on Saturday, February 9, 2019 from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm in the fellowship hall with our special guest speaker, Joan Rigdon, on the topic of Abigail!


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Mug Mates Summer Rotator

We enjoyed a fun off-site Movie Night under the stars on Friday, July 20th, 7:30-10:00 p.m. watching the movie, “I Can Only Imagine” including fellowship and assorted lemonade flavors.

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2017-2018 "Transitions" Saturday Breakfast Series

#1 - 9/30/17 - “Transitions and How to Cling to Christ through all Phases and Stages of Life” Julie Jones

#2 - 2/3/18 "Transitioning Through Trials while Honoring God in our Hearts" Laura Francis (see the "event" page for resources from this talk)

#3 - 6/23/18 - "Imago Dei: Seeing Beauty In All Of God's Design" Covering the physical transitions we go through as women, from young girls all the way through aged fragility. 

#4 - 8/18/18 - "Transitions Panel Discussion: Answering YOUR Questions" Featured multi-generational panelists answering the questions submitted throughout the series.

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  International Women's Tea  February 21, 2015 - 10am thru Noon

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Praise God! Over 85 women came together to celebrate our diverse world and THANK YOU again, Missionary Kelly Webb, for your wonderful message and reminder to trust the beauty and uniqueness of our individual testimonies, and know that we can (and must!) BELIEVE our awesome Lord!



What a sweet time at the JANE Who? Fall Kick Off September 2014 - Thank you, Janet, for sharing your heart with us - eyes on the prize...Jesus! Hebrews 12:2


Summer Book Club 2014 brought several small groups of gals together to read through, discuss, and be changed by 1Thessalonians and Philippians.  What a sweet Lord we have!




Join us Sunday at 
