Community Groups

Clayton Valley Church is committed to Growing Deeper, Walking Closer, Reaching Farther. In order to walk closer with God and one another, we need to be involved in each others lives. Our church has a variety of fellowship opportunities, including community groups.

We currently have three active Community Groups, that meet in local homes:

*Cox/Klobuchar Community Group. Meets every other Saturday afternoon, all ages welcome. Located near Clayton Valley Church. Contact Brandon or John to attend.

*Ellingson/Lou Community Group. Meets every other Sunday evening, all ages welcome. Located near Clayton Valley Church. Contact Eric to attend.

*Monday Night Fellowship (Schmitz/Francis). Meets every Monday Evening. College, career and young married. Meets in Pittsburg. Contact Steven to attend.


Other fellowship opportunities that are divided by age, gender and/or seasonality are on the following pages of our website:

*Women's Ministries

*Men's Ministries

*Youth (Jr./Sr. High)

*Youth (Awana: 2 years before K through 6th grade)

*Church Wide Events Schedule


For more information feel free to contact Eric Ellingson at or





Last Updated Sept 28th 2024


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