Awana 2024-2025

Every Thursday until May 15, 2025
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Location: 5430 Michigan Blvd., Concord, CA 94521
Category: Children's Ministry Coordinator: John KelleghanWelcome to the Awana Club at Clayton Valley Church!
It is our absolute pleasure to serve you and your family through Awana. It is our prayer that this ministry will have an encouraging, lasting impact on the spiritual growth of your child, your family, and our community.
Space permitting, children are welcomed to join our Club at any point during the Club year - please feel free to contact one of our Club Commanders for details.
Club Commanders:
John Kelleghan: email or cell 925-852-8747
Lisa Lou: email or cell 925-522-1168
What is Awana?
Awana is a global ministry committed to the belief that the greatest impact for Christ starts with kids who know, love, and serve Him. At Clayton Valley Church, we have operated an Awana Club for over 30 years because of the simple and seamless way that it brings God's word into the home and hearts of families. Through small groups, large groups, and game time we aim to instill love and respect for God and His Word; help kids to learn and understand Scripture; and support parents as they disciple their kids.
The name Awana is derived from the first letters of "Approved workmen are not ashamed" which comes from the Bible verse 2 Timothy 2:15 - "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."
Click Here for Club Calendar Night
See below for more information. Note - Club begins Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 6:30 pm!
Cubbies Pre-K (must be at least 3 years old at the start of the Club year)
Sparks Kindergarten through 2nd Grade
T&T 3rd Grade through 6th Grade
Cubbies Club Overview
Cubbies receive an Apple Acres entrance booklet, Cubbies Handbook, and Vest.
Cubbies progress through their Handbooks as a group; each Cubbie's goal is to read and discuss each assigned weekly Bear Hug with family and memorize the "shortened" verses. Cubbies earn emblems for completing groups of Bear Hugs and a medallion for completing each Handbook! See the Club Calendar to double-check Cubbies Handbook progress and special event nights.
Cubbies do not participate in Theme Nights and do not earn Shares or Points - these are reserved for Sparks and T&T Clubbers.
Cubbies Club Operation
Cubbies Club operates between 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm and is composed of the following key segments (subject to change):
Opening Time:
All Cubbies join together to sing the Cubbie song and recite key Cubbie verses!
Handbook Time:
Cubbies gather in small groups to share how life is going, review and discuss their Handbooks, recite memorized verses, and join in prayer.
Lesson Time:
Cubbies gather together to hear a Bible-centered lesson- includes Puppet Time!
Cubbies Club meetings often also include games and/or a small snack.
Cubbies Quiet Time is available from 7:15 pm to 8:00 pm. This time is designed for families with Sparks/T&T siblings to eliminate the need for a separate pick-up. Lights are dimmed and there are calm, Gospel-centered activities such as Bible picture books, gentle music, etc. to help your Cubbie relax before bedtime.
Sparks Club Overview
Sparks receive a Flight 3:16 Entrance Booklet, Sparks Handbook, and Vest.
Each Sparkie's goal is to complete one Handbook each year (three in total) by not only memorizing the verses and completing sections, but more importantly, by learning what the verses mean and how to live by them. Sparks earn Jewels for completing sections, a medallion for completing each Handbook, and a Sparky Award for completing all three (3) Handbooks.
Shares are earned each Club night and can be used to purchase goodies at Store Night. Sparkies do not earn Points - these are reserved for T&T Clubbers.
T&T Club Overview
T&Ters receive a Start Zone Entrance Booklet, T&T Handbook, and T-Shirt.
Each T&Ter's goal is to complete one Handbook each year (four in total) by not only memorizing the verses and completing sections, but more importantly, by learning what the verses mean and how to live by them. T&Ters earn Chevrons for completing sections, a medallion for completing each Handbook, and a Timothy Award for completing all four (4) Handbooks.
Shares are earned each Club night and can be used to purchase goodies at Store Night. Points are earned each Club night and are accumulated toward each Game Time color team's total and, ultimately, more shares!
Sparks and T&T Club Operation
Sparks and T&T Club operates between 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm and is composed of the following key segments (subject to change):
Opening Ceremony:
All Sparks and T&T Clubbers join together for music worship, recite key Club verses (see Awana Gospel Wheel), hear announcements, and celebrate Awards earned! Parents are encouraged to stay for the Opening Cermemony.
Handbook Time:
Clubbers gather in small groups to share how life is going, review and discuss their Handbooks, recite memorized verses, and join in prayer.
Large Group Time:
Occasionally, small groups will come back together at the end of the evening for a special message.
Game Time:
Everyone participates in active Awana games created around the Awana circle.
Special Events
Store Nights are a highlight of the Awana Club! Sparks and T&T Clubbers work very hard each Club night to earn shares and look forward to "cashing" them in for goodies. See the Club Calendar for Store Night dates.
The Awana Grand Prix is a Pinewood-Derby-style racing event with an over 50-year track record of fun and excitement.
Awana Grand Prix is more than just building a race car - it helps to build a bond between kids and their parents/guardians as they work together to design and create the best car ever.
And winning is what it's about - not only winning the race - but winning people to Christ!
Derby car kits are included as part of your registration. About a month before the Grand Prix, a Pit Party will be held to gain hands-on assistance in assembling, weighing, measuring, and decorating your derby car. Additional car kits can be purchased for $3.00.
There are two races on Derby Night: The first is the Clubber race, where clubbers will compete for prizes in both speed and design. In the second race...parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends will race their creations...and the winner will receive a surprise award.
For fairness, all participants must use Awana derby car kits.
Awana Safety and Security
We take the protection of our Clubbers seriously. During the Awana program we have security personnel patrolling the church grounds.
We do our best to ensure that we keep your Clubber safe during the check-in/check-out process.
- A Clubber Name Tag and Parent Tag is printed for each Clubber that is checked-in. The Name Tag is placed on the Clubber's Vest or T-shirt and the Parent Tag is retained by the Parent/Guardian.
- At check-out the Parent Tag is matched with the Clubber's Name Tag and the Clubber will be released. Important: You or the person picking up your Clubber must present the Parent Tag at check out - we will not release your Clubber to an individual without this Parent Tag or prior authorization and photo identification.
Awana Rules and Guidelines
- We will honor God and each other by using kind words, following instructions, and helping when needed.
- For clubbers' safety, athletic shoes and pants that pass the knee must be worn to participate in Game Time (Sparks/T&T only).
- If the Commander or Director needs to gain attention of a room he/she may count from 1 to 5 beginning with a loud voice and ending with a soft voice. This is known as a 5-count. Clubbers are expected to quiet themselves and give full attention whenever a 5-count is issued.
- Discipline: For disrespectful and/or disruptive behavior, a Clubber will receive a 1-Count from his/her Leader. If the behavior continues on the same night, the Clubber will receive a 2-Count from his/her Director. If a 3-Count is necessary the Clubber's Parent/Guardian will be called and the Clubber will leave Club early.
- Parents/Guardians are always welcomed to visit our Club! Be sure to check in with the Commander.
Club Information Links:
Awana Gospel Wheel including key verses
Club Calendar including Theme Nights and Nightly Sections